Monday, December 2, 2019

Dance with Devotion: Kirtan at Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ

I am so excited to be collaborating on this Kirtan with my beloved teacher, Sheryl Edsall, and Param Joe Rosolen on mountain dulcimer and percussion.  Join us to tune into the sacred vibrations of mantra and music as we chant our Dance of Devotion.  

Kirtan at Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ
Dance with Devotion

Saturday, December 14th, 3-5pm



Also upcoming... 

Reiki Level I Training

Sunday, January 26th, 12-6:30pm

Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ

Pre-registration required: $175

Limited to 6 participants

Reiki Training and Attunement is a beautiful, self-empowering healing practice that can be harnessed and practiced by everyone.  Reiki promotes deep relaxation, assists in the body's natural healing processes, and develops emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

In this training, you will learn the history of Reiki, be attuned to the Reiki energy, and learn hand positions for self-treatment and for treating others.  During the training, you will practice hands-on with your classmates.  You will also receive a comprehensive manual and ongoing support.

*  *  *

Angela Cays has been working towards transforming suffering and empowering others for decades as a high school math teacher and tutor; licensed professional counselor (LPC; and as a yoga instructor since the fall of 2006. She guides her students to reveal light and shadow, to become more fully embodied and aware of all layers of our being (koshas); to awaken intuition, life force energy (prana), and touch moments of deep peace as well as great expansion.   
Her continued education as a counselor and yoga instructor led her deeper into the subtle body through learning modules in her advanced yoga teacher training with Sheryl and Neil Edsall at Naturally Yoga in Glen Rock, NJ and trainings at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, MA on Psychotherapy and Spirituality, as well as Psychology of the Chakras, Mind Body Integration, and Creating on Purpose with Anodea Judith.  Having a spark of curiosity about Reiki when she first started taking yoga classes, it was about 20 years later, as a continuation of studying and working with the subtle body, she received her Level I, Level II and Reiki Master attunements from her beloved teacher, Sheryl Edsall, along with the radiant Eileen Alexander.  

Angela benefits deeply from practicing Reiki for self-care in addition to sharing this healing modality with others.  Through many years of studying and teaching yoga, and receiving the Reiki attunements, she continues to develop a more heightened awareness of subtle body energy. She feels honored to hold a sacred space for healing and growth through the universal energy of Reiki, as well as her group yoga classes, workshops and kirtans, private yoga, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping sessions.


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH FitnessMidland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaGlen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ

Monday, November 11, 2019

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique (aka Tapping) Workshop, plus upcoming Kirtan, and Reiki Level I Training

Sunday, November 24th, 1:30-3:30pm
Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ

Early registration by Nov. 17th:  $30

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a practice that involves tapping on the endpoints of energy meridians on your body which awakens your relaxation response, reducing feelings of stress, and bringing a calm, grounded, yet expansive feeling.  

We can use this technique to address physical pain, stuck emotions, ingrained thought patterns that no longer serve us, and challenging life experiences (past, present, or future).  While tapping on the points, we speak our feelings, thoughts and experiences, telling the truth of it all, and as the physical and energy body processes these feelings within the realm of relaxation and expansion, we organically move to positive thoughts and feelings and speak those to affirm them into our being. 

This practice can support healing from illness and disease as well as open you to clarity and intuition. Bringing the body out of stress and into the relaxation response allows our immune system to function optimally and our mind to be clear to find solutions to challenges or pathways to our peace and joy in life. 

Come out to learn (or review) the practice of EFT Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), tap along with some given scripts addressing our universal experiences of stress and struggle, as well as impromptu tapping based on your own challenges.  You will leave the workshop feeling great from all the tapping we do together and with the confidence and ability to tap on your own stressors as they arise in your life.


Also upcoming... 

Kirtan at Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ
Dancing with Devotion: 
with Sheryl Edsall and Param Joe Rosolen
Saturday, December 14th, 3-5pm

We will be collecting new, unwrapped toys 
to donate to children in need for the holidays


Also upcoming... 

Save the date: Reiki Level I Training

Sunday, January 26th, 12-6:30pm
Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ

Pre-registration required: $175
Limited to 6 participants


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH FitnessMidland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaGlen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ

Friday, October 25, 2019

Kirtan at Underground Yoga in East Stroudsburg, PA

Kirtan at Underground!

Friday, November 1st, 7:30-9pm
Underground Yoga, 730 Milford Road, East Stroudsburg, PA
Event price: $20 

from Nadya Matychak, co-owner of studio...

Music connects us all to our own true essence!

Join us for our informal chant love-fest summoning an inner shift to welcome new beginnings as the seed & soil beneath our feet work together to remind us of the promise the old season offered with new growth & lush color, now welcoming the season where we let go, and return inside to heal, nurture, and be.

Kirtan is an ancient form of devotion where we’re led by a series of words, mantras, phrases, prayers, or chants accompanied by musicians to help us raise our inner vibration so that we may connect to those around us and uplift them, too.

Join us in welcoming Param (Dulcimer Joe) & Angela from Naturally Yoga joined by Nadya for a heart awakening, vibration lifting experience!

You don’t need to know how to sing, keep rhythm, or understand the beautiful ancient language of Sanskrit... come with an open heart and experience Your inner vibration that was there long before you emerged into this world! 

Jai Sri Sat Guru Maharaj Ki Jai! 
Praise the inner teacher & nurture the life we have by self-less service to our Self & others!


Also upcoming... 

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Workshop with Angela Cays

Sunday, November 24th, 1:30-3:30pm
Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ

Early registration: $30 by November 17th, $40 thereafter

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a practice that involves tapping on the endpoints of energy meridians on your body which awakens your relaxation response, reducing feelings of stress, and bringing a calm, grounded, yet expansive feeling. 


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH FitnessMidland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaGlen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ

Monday, September 30, 2019

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Workshop with Angela

Sunday, October 20th, 2-4pm
Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ

Investment $30

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a practice that involves tapping on the endpoints of energy meridians on your body which awakens your relaxation response, reducing feelings of stress, and bringing a calm, grounded, yet expansive feeling.  

We can use this technique to address physical pain, stuck emotions, ingrained thought patterns that no longer serve us, and challenging life experiences (past, present, or future).  While tapping on the points, we speak our feelings, thoughts and experiences, telling the truth of it all, and as the physical and energy body processes these feelings within the realm of relaxation and expansion, we organically move to positive thoughts and feelings and speak those to affirm them into our being. 

This practice can support healing from illness and disease as well as open you to clarity and intuition. Bringing the body out of stress and into the relaxation response allows our immune system to function optimally and our mind to be clear to find solutions to challenges or pathways to our peace and joy in life. 

Come out to learn (or review) the practice of EFT Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), tap along with some given scripts addressing our universal experiences of stress and struggle, as well as impromptu scripts based on your own challenges should you choose to share them anonymously or in person. 

Email to register.
Pre-registration is appreciated, however, drop-ins are permitted.


Also upcoming... 

Kirtan at Underground!
Friday, November 1st, 7:30-9pm
Underground Yoga, 730 Milford Road, East Stroudsburg, PA
Event price: $20 

from Nadya Matychak, co-owner of studio...

Music connects us all to our own true essence!

Join us for our informal chant love-fest summoning an inner shift to welcome new beginnings as the seed & soil beneath our feet work together to remind us of the promise the old season offered with new growth & lush color, now welcoming the season where we let go, and return inside to heal, nurture, and be.

Kirtan is an ancient form of devotion where we’re led by a series of words, mantras, phrases, prayers, or chants accompanied by musicians to help us raise our inner vibration so that we may connect to those around us and uplift them, too.

You don’t need to know how to sing, keep rhythm, or understand the beautiful ancient language of Sanskrit... come with an open heart and experience Your inner vibration that was there long before you emerged into this world!

Jai Sri Sat Guru Maharaj Ki Jai! 
Praise the inner teacher & nurture the life we have by self-less service to our Self & others!


Also upcoming... 

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Workshop with Angela Cays

Sunday, November 24th, 1:30-3:30pm
Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ

Early registration: $30

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a practice that involves tapping on the endpoints of energy meridians on your body which awakens your relaxation response, reducing feelings of stress, and bringing a calm, grounded, yet expansive feeling. 


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH FitnessMidland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaGlen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ

Monday, September 9, 2019

In Relationship with the Divine, the Self, & Each Other: A Kirtan with Angela Cays... the musical magic of Param Joe Rosolen and Laura Wootton 

Sunday, September 29, 1:30-3:30pm
Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ
Investment: $30 pre-registration by September 22, $40 thereafter

Come out for an afternoon of chanting mantra,
bathing in the vibration of sacred sound and the shared energy of our amazing community,
realizing our relationship with the Divine, the Self, and the Other.

"The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are." — Joseph Campbell

When we profoundly connect to the expansive light, energy, and beauty of nature and spirit, we begin to touch the truth of our deepest and highest self, allowing us to express our gifts, through our challenges, to contribute in this lifetime.  As we more fully recognize this expansive light, energy, and spirit all around us and within us, we can realize it is within everyone.  With some it’s easier to see than with others, but if we choose to see that divine light and energy in every being including ourselves, we suffer less and love more.  Can we choose to live through the light as we understand both the light and shadow of the Divine, the Self, and the Other?

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.” — Hafiz

Angela will weave together the chanting of sacred mantras, readings to highlight the dharma, and periods of meditative silence to create an afternoon of refuge, healing, and inspiration. 


Also upcoming... 

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Workshops with Angela Cays

Sunday, October 20th, 2-4pm
Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ


Sunday, November 24th, 1:30-3:30pm
Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a practice that involves tapping on the endpoints of energy meridians on your body which awakens your relaxation response, reducing feelings of stress, and bringing a calm, grounded, yet expansive feeling. 


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH FitnessMidland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaGlen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ

Friday, April 26, 2019

Moving Towards Wholeness: A Kirtan with Angela Cays...

...along with Param Joe Rosolen on percussion

Friday, May 31, 6:30-8:30pm
Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ
Investment: $30 

Come out for an afternoon of chanting mantra, bathing in the vibration of sacred sound and the shared energy of our amazing community, 
moving towards wholeness.

“Don’t get lost in your pain, know that one day your pain will become your cure.” - Rumi

When we embrace everything as though it is for our greatest good, digesting and integrating all of Life’s Experiences, we move towards wholeness. When we see that the “good” and the “bad” have all been contributions to our continued evolution, expansion, and elevation; we understand that nothing is wasted, nothing has been a mistake. It’s all here for you, either an experience of the mud which serves as fodder for our growth or moments of love and the beauty of the lotus that rises, nourished by the mud. 

What nourishment, wisdom, motivation is buried in the difficult experiences in our  lives, like a diamond in the rough, waiting to be discovered? And, can we open our eyes and hearts more often to experience the beauty and the miracles that are right in front of us? Right inside of us? And in each other? We’re here to do this together. We need each other to mirror the light and to hold a sacred space to move through the shadow. 

Angela will weave together the chanting of sacred mantras, readings to highlight the dharma, and periods of meditative silence to create an afternoon of refuge, healing, and inspiration. 

“Let the waves of the universe rise and fall as they will.  You have nothing to gain or loose.  You are the ocean.” - Ashtavakara


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH FitnessMidland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaGlen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ

Friday, April 19, 2019

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Workshop with Angela

Sunday, May 19th, 1:30-3:30pm
Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ

Pre-registration $30 by May 12th / $40 thereafter

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a practice that involves tapping on the endpoints of energy meridians on your body which awakens your relaxation response, reducing feelings of stress, and bringing a calm, grounded, yet expansive feeling.  

We can use this technique to address physical pain, stuck emotions, ingrained thought patterns that no longer serve us, and challenging life experiences (past, present, or future).  While tapping on the points, we speak our feelings, thoughts and ex
periences, telling the truth of it all, and as the physical and energy body processes these feelings within the realm of relaxation and expansion, we organically move to positive thoughts and feelings and speak those to affirm them into our being. 

This practice can support healing from illness and disease as well as open you to clarity and intuition since bringing the body out of stress and into the relaxation response allows our immune system to function optimally and our mind to be clear to find solutions to challenges or pathways to our peace and joy in life. 

Come out to learn (or review) the practice of EFT Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), tap along with some given scripts addressing our universal experiences of stress and struggle, as well as impromptu scripts based on your own challenges should you choose to share them anonymously or in person.


Also upcoming... 
Moving Towards Wholeness: A Kirtan with Angela Cays 
PLUS Param Joe Rosolen on percussion 
and Laura Wootton on ukelele and vocals 

Friday, May 31, 6:30-8:30pm
Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ
Investment: $30 


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH FitnessMidland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaGlen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ