Friday, April 26, 2019

Moving Towards Wholeness: A Kirtan with Angela Cays...

...along with Param Joe Rosolen on percussion

Friday, May 31, 6:30-8:30pm
Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ
Investment: $30 

Come out for an afternoon of chanting mantra, bathing in the vibration of sacred sound and the shared energy of our amazing community, 
moving towards wholeness.

“Don’t get lost in your pain, know that one day your pain will become your cure.” - Rumi

When we embrace everything as though it is for our greatest good, digesting and integrating all of Life’s Experiences, we move towards wholeness. When we see that the “good” and the “bad” have all been contributions to our continued evolution, expansion, and elevation; we understand that nothing is wasted, nothing has been a mistake. It’s all here for you, either an experience of the mud which serves as fodder for our growth or moments of love and the beauty of the lotus that rises, nourished by the mud. 

What nourishment, wisdom, motivation is buried in the difficult experiences in our  lives, like a diamond in the rough, waiting to be discovered? And, can we open our eyes and hearts more often to experience the beauty and the miracles that are right in front of us? Right inside of us? And in each other? We’re here to do this together. We need each other to mirror the light and to hold a sacred space to move through the shadow. 

Angela will weave together the chanting of sacred mantras, readings to highlight the dharma, and periods of meditative silence to create an afternoon of refuge, healing, and inspiration. 

“Let the waves of the universe rise and fall as they will.  You have nothing to gain or loose.  You are the ocean.” - Ashtavakara


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH FitnessMidland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaGlen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ

Friday, April 19, 2019

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Workshop with Angela

Sunday, May 19th, 1:30-3:30pm
Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ

Pre-registration $30 by May 12th / $40 thereafter

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a practice that involves tapping on the endpoints of energy meridians on your body which awakens your relaxation response, reducing feelings of stress, and bringing a calm, grounded, yet expansive feeling.  

We can use this technique to address physical pain, stuck emotions, ingrained thought patterns that no longer serve us, and challenging life experiences (past, present, or future).  While tapping on the points, we speak our feelings, thoughts and ex
periences, telling the truth of it all, and as the physical and energy body processes these feelings within the realm of relaxation and expansion, we organically move to positive thoughts and feelings and speak those to affirm them into our being. 

This practice can support healing from illness and disease as well as open you to clarity and intuition since bringing the body out of stress and into the relaxation response allows our immune system to function optimally and our mind to be clear to find solutions to challenges or pathways to our peace and joy in life. 

Come out to learn (or review) the practice of EFT Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping), tap along with some given scripts addressing our universal experiences of stress and struggle, as well as impromptu scripts based on your own challenges should you choose to share them anonymously or in person.


Also upcoming... 
Moving Towards Wholeness: A Kirtan with Angela Cays 
PLUS Param Joe Rosolen on percussion 
and Laura Wootton on ukelele and vocals 

Friday, May 31, 6:30-8:30pm
Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ
Investment: $30 


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH FitnessMidland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaGlen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ

Friday, April 12, 2019

Hanuman's Birthday Celebration THIS FRIDAY at Naturally Yoga in Glen Rock, NJ

So excited and honored to be a part of this event with my beloved and inspiring teacher Sheryl Edsall as well as these amazing souls who are also teachers and musicians: 

Join us Friday, April 19th at 6pm for a powerful evening of chanting to ignite your big heart as your super power of love and devotion in this world.


Also upcoming... 
EFT Emotional Freedom Technique Workshop with Angela Cays

Sunday, May 19th, 1:30-3:30pm
Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ

Pre-registration $30 by May 12th / $40 thereafter

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a practice that involves tapping on the endpoints of energy meridians on your body which awakens your relaxation response, reducing feelings of stress, and bringing a calm, grounded, yet expansive feeling.  


Also upcoming... 
Moving Towards Wholeness: A Kirtan with Angela Cays 
PLUS Param Joe Rosolen on percussion and Laura Wootton on ukelele and vocals 

Friday, May 31, 6:30-8:30pm
Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ
Investment: $30 


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH Fitness, Midland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally Yoga, Glen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ