Monday, November 20, 2023

Reiki Share @highlandyoga Kinnelon, NJ 12/2; Tapping Circle @naturallyyoga Saddle River, NJ 12/9 & Kirtan @Santokhyoga Montclair, NJ 12/10

  Reiki Share

Saturday, December 2, 2023
12:30-3pm, $35 

If you have been attuned to Reiki in the Usui Tradition at any level and are eager to practice and keep the energy flowing, join us for an upcoming Reiki Share! These gatherings have been so meaningful, affirming and empowering in providing a space to connect, give & receive with like minded, hearted and embodied people who share in this practice and way of life.
This 2 and 1/2 hour session will begin with a meditation to tune into the Reiki energy, a sharing circle to briefly mention our successes and/or inquiries for growing our practice, and then transition into hands on practice with a chance for reflection & feedback from partners and the group. We will practice with hand positions and/or intuitive practice on tables and chairs. We have been closing with a powerful group Reiki connection circle.

17 Kiel Ave, Kinnelon, NJ



Emotional Freedom Technique

 (EFT) Tapping circle

Saturday, December 9, 2023

Naturally Yoga Studio
Saddle River, NJ


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as Tapping, is a practice that involves tapping on the endpoints of energy meridians in your body which awakens your relaxation response, reduces feelings of stress, and brings a calm, grounded, yet expansive feeling.

This practice can support healing from illness and disease as well as open you to clarity and intuition. Bringing the body out of stress and into the relaxation response allows our immune system to function optimally and our mind to be clear to find solutions to challenges and pathways to peace and joy in life.

We will be tapping with a few existing scripts addressing our universal experiences of stress, struggle and affirmation, as well as impromptu scripts based on your own challenges should you choose to share them anonymously or in person.

You will leave with a set of handouts to review and practice with at home including a list of free online resources to utilize. Angela is also available for 1-on 1 private EFT Tapping Sessions which can be combined with Reiki, Yoga / Physical Movement.

You can attend either in person in studio OR online via Zoom. Reach out to me if you need to the Zoom login information.

Investment $36
Pay via Zelle or Venmo:
(1) via Zelle using and phone number 973-368-5440
(2) Venmo using @Angela-Cays – Last 4 digits: 5440

Scroll down in upcoming events 


Join me & Joe for our next Kirtan: 

Connecting to all that is… You are not alone.

Santokh Yoga & Wellness

Sunday, December 10, 2023


Call out to connect to the divine, to the universe, to the collective; to your friends, your family, your pets; Mother Nature, the sun, & the moon. 

You are not alone.

Chanting mantra in community (sangha) is a powerful way to remember this - that we are connected to all that is. Join us for Kirtan, chanting mantra, to collectively raise our vibration and to remember we are not alone, we are divinely and humanly connected in our shadow and our light.

Investment: $40

Register here:


Emotional Freedom Technique

 (EFT) Tapping circle

Saturday, December 16, 2023
12:30-2:30pm, $35

This practice can support healing from illness and disease as well as open you to clarity and intuition. Bringing the body out of stress and into the relaxation response allows our immune system to function optimally and our mind to be clear to find solutions to challenges and pathways to peace and joy in life

We will be tapping with a few existing scripts addressing our universal experiences of stress, struggle and affirmation, as well as impromptu scripts based on your own challenges should you choose to share them anonymously or in person.

Pre-registration links:

In person at studio

17 Kiel Ave, Kinnelon, NJ



Weekly yoga classes... 

...are still being offered Hybrid...
meeting both in person / in studio and online via Zoom simultaneously. 
Pre-registration required. 
Click on links below for information.

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaSaddle River, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ

You can also contact me or studios for private sessions including 
yoga, meditation, Reiki, & Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping. 

Angela Cays, E-RYT 500, LPC, Reiki Master & Teacher, Math Tutor

YouTube channel: Angela Cays

No mud. No lotus. 

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