Monday, February 17, 2020

Taking Refuge in the Divine, a Kirtan; plus Upcoming Level 1 Reiki Training

Taking Refuge in the Divine: 
A Kirtan with Angela Cays 
plus the musical magic of Param Joe Rosolen

This event scheduled for Sunday, March 22, 1:30-3:30pm
 was cancelled due to the pandemic. 
It was rescheduled and held via Zoom on 
Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 2pm. 

Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ
Investment: $30

Join us for an afternoon of taking refuge in the vibrations of the sacred sounds of the Divine, the shared energy of our amazing community, and the embodied dharma of light and love. 

When we chant the sacred sounds of the Divine, connecting to the energies of Light and Love, we feel a holding and a comfort, which is the practice of taking refuge. We can simply celebrate the knowing and embrace of this light and love; or perhaps, we need to feel the transformation out of a darker moment or place into the light via the holding of this unconditional love. 

Angela will weave together the chanting of mantras, brief readings to highlight the dharma, and periods of meditative silence to create an afternoon of refuge, healing, and inspiration. 


Also upcoming... 

Reiki Level I Training

This event scheduled for Sunday, April 19th, 12-6:30pm
was cancelled due to the pandemic.

Highland Yoga, Kinnelon, NJ

Pre-registration required: $175

Limited to 6 participants

Reiki Training and Attunement is a beautiful, self-empowering healing practice that can be harnessed and practiced by everyone.  Reiki promotes deep relaxation, assists in the body's natural healing processes, and develops emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

In this training, you will learn the history of Reiki, be attuned to the Reiki energy, and learn hand positions for self-treatment and for treating others.  During the training, you will practice hands-on with your classmates.  You will also receive a comprehensive manual and ongoing support.

*  *  *

About Angela...
Angela Cays has been working towards transforming suffering and empowering others for decades as a high school math teacher and tutor; licensed professional counselor (LPC; and as a yoga instructor since the fall of 2006. She guides her students to reveal light and shadow, to become more fully embodied and aware of all layers of our being (koshas); to awaken intuition, life force energy (prana), and touch moments of deep peace as well as great expansion.   

Her continued education as a counselor and yoga instructor led her deeper into the subtle body through learning modules in her advanced yoga teacher training with Sheryl and Neil Edsall at Naturally Yoga in Glen Rock, NJ and trainings at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, MA on Psychotherapy and Spirituality, as well as Psychology of the Chakras, Mind Body Integration, and Creating on Purpose with Anodea Judith.  Having a spark of curiosity about Reiki when she first started taking yoga classes, it was about 20 years later, as a continuation of studying and working with the subtle body, she received her Level I, Level II and Reiki Master attunements from her beloved teacher, Sheryl Edsall, along with the radiant Eileen Alexander.  

Angela benefits deeply from practicing Reiki for self-care in addition to sharing this healing modality with others.  Through many years of studying and teaching yoga, and receiving the Reiki attunements, she continues to develop a more heightened awareness of subtle body energy. She feels honored to hold a sacred space for healing and growth through the universal energy of Reiki, as well as her group yoga classes, workshops and kirtans, private yoga, and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping sessions.


Weekly yoga classes... 

Tuesdays, 9am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ
Wednesdays, 6am, CRUNCH FitnessMidland Park, NJ
Wednesdays, 9:30am, Naturally YogaGlen Rock, NJ
Saturdays, 9:45am, Highland YogaKinnelon, NJ

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