Sunday, March 10, 2019

Moving Towards Wholeness: A Kirtan

So excited to announce my next Kirtan...

Moving Towards Wholeness

A Kirtan with Angela Cays along with Param Joe Rosolen on percussion and 

Laura Wootton on ukelele and vocals

at Highland Yoga in Butler, NJ

Sunday, March 31st, 1:30-3:30pm

Come out for an afternoon of chanting mantra, bathing in the vibration of sacred sound and the shared energy of our amazing community, moving towards wholeness.

“Don’t get lost in your pain, know that one day your pain will become your cure.” - Rumi

When we embrace everything as though it is for our greatest good, digesting and integrating all of Life’s Experiences, we move towards wholeness. When we see that the “good” and the “bad” have all been contributions to our continued evolution, expansion, and elevation; we understand that nothing is wasted, nothing has been a mistake. It’s all here for you, either an experience of the mud which serves as fodder for our growth or moments of love and the beauty of the lotus that rises, nourished by the mud.

What nourishment, wisdom, motivation is buried in the difficult experiences in our lives, like a diamond in the rough, waiting to be discovered? And, can we open our eyes and hearts more often to experience the beauty and the miracles that are right in front of us? Right inside of us? And in each other? We’re here to do this together. We need each other to mirror the light and to hold a sacred space to move through the shadow.

Angela will weave together the chanting of sacred mantras, readings to highlight the dharma, and periods of meditative silence to create an afternoon of refuge, healing, and inspiration.

“Let the waves of the universe rise and fall as they will. You have nothing to gain or loose. You are the ocean.” - Ashtavakara

Investment: $30 pre-registration by March 24th / $40 thereafter

Friday, March 8, 2019

Understanding Fear and Choosing Freedom, THIS SUNDAY!

Come be held in safe and sacred space for a healing, profound, and insightful experience at my next offering of..... 

Understanding Fear and Choosing Freedom, a yoga and more workshop 

THIS Sunday, March 10th, 2-5pm 
Email to reserve your spot 
(and so I know how many handouts to have available 😉)
Investment: $40

A workshop utilizing the tools of yoga (asana, mantra, mudra, pranayama), AND more…. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping, and dharma with journaling/handouts inspired by Rhonda Brittens Fearless Living and Elizabeth Gilberts Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. Feel free to read from either of these books to warm up for the workshop but NOT required.  

You will discover your "Wheel of Fear" and your "Wheel of Freedom.” By understanding our own habits of cycling in fear, we can choose the specific behaviors and thoughts that move us into freedom, into light. Our practice will include some grounding and restorative poses to settle in and some enlivening poses to integrate the dharma and journaling activities. All levels, including beginners, are welcome.

Just come as you are, open to allow healing to happen. When we connect deeply to ourselves, to our own light and shadow, which is part of the larger collective consciousness and divine spirit; we find freedom from fear, passion for life, and an abiding joy that can be touched in each moment, in each breath.