Reiki Level 2 Training
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Reiki Level 2 Training at Highland Yoga AND all yoga classes are Hybrid - both in person and on Zoom.
Reiki Level 2 Training
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Acoustic Kirtan with EFT Tapping: Remembering Our True Nature - from the Shadow to the Light
Acoustic Kirtan: Remembering Our True Nature: from the Shadow to the Light
Recent past offerings:
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping Circle on Zoom
Offered on Zoom via Highland Yoga on March 28, 2021.
Inter-being: I am you. You are me. A return to unity. Acoustic Kirtan with Angela Cays.
Chanting mantra opens the door to Interbeing. We chant to connect to our true nature, our highest self, as well as create a space to hold our suffering self and the suffering of the world with love and compassion. We chant to remember the presence of the divine in us, around us, and in each other; recognizing the other in ourselves and ourselves in the other.
Interrelationship – poem by Thich Nhat Hanh
You are me, and I am you.
Isn’t it obvious that we “inter-are”?
You cultivate the flower in yourself,
so that I will be beautiful.
I transform the garbage in myself,
so that you will not have to suffer.
I support you;
you support me.
I am in this world to offer you peace;
you are in this world to bring me joy.
(from “Call me by My True Names – The Collected Poems of Thich Nhat Hanh”, Parallax Press, 2005.)
Monday, March 29, 2021
BYOB: Bring Your Own Ball Yoga Workshop AND Acoustic Kirtan plus Tapping: Remembering Our True Nature - from the shadow to the light
BYOB: Bring Your Own Ball Yoga Workshop
Sunday, April 18, 2021
2pm on Zoom via Highland Yoga
*** Unable to attend at the scheduled time? Register for the workshop as usual, send an email to info@highlandyoga letting us know you are unable to attend live, and after the live-streamed workshop has been recorded, you'll receive a link to the recording that will be available for 1 week!
Participants will receive an email containing the link to the workshop about half an hour before start time.
Wellness ‘Tools’
Wellness Wednesday with
West Side Presbyterian Church
Recent past offerings:
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping Circle on Zoom
Offered on Zoom via Highland Yoga on March 28, 2021.
Inter-being: I am you. You are me. A return to unity. Acoustic Kirtan with Angela Cays.
Chanting mantra opens the door to Interbeing. We chant to connect to our true nature, our highest self, as well as create a space to hold our suffering self and the suffering of the world with love and compassion. We chant to remember the presence of the divine in us, around us, and in each other; recognizing the other in ourselves and ourselves in the other.
Interrelationship – poem by Thich Nhat Hanh
You are me, and I am you.
Isn’t it obvious that we “inter-are”?
You cultivate the flower in yourself,
so that I will be beautiful.
I transform the garbage in myself,
so that you will not have to suffer.
I support you;
you support me.
I am in this world to offer you peace;
you are in this world to bring me joy.
(from “Call me by My True Names – The Collected Poems of Thich Nhat Hanh”, Parallax Press, 2005.)