Saturday, November 4, 2017

Understanding Fear and Choosing Freedom: Don't allow fear to "drive your car" A yoga and more workshop

I'm so excited about my upcoming workshop...

Understanding Fear and Choosing Freedom. Don't allow fear to drive your car. 
A yoga and more workshop with me at Naturally Yoga in Glen Rock, NJ. 
Sunday, November 19th, 4-6pm

A workshop utilizing the tools of yoga: asana, mantra, mudra, meditation, pranayama, as well as partner yoga, group postures, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping, and dharma inspired by Rhonda Britten’s Fearless Living, Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear, and Danna Faulds’ poetry from Breath of Joy. Feel free to read from any of these books to warm up for the workshop but NOT required. 
Just come as you are, open to allow healing to happen. When we connect deeply to ourselves, to each other, and to the larger collective consciousness and via each method to divine spirit, we find freedom from fear, passion for life, and an abiding joy that can be touched in each moment, in each breath.

Cost is $36
Email to reserve your spot.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Partner Yoga Playshop

Join us at my next Partner Yoga Playshop!
THIS Sunday, October 29th
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Highland Yoga, Butler

Come with a friend, spouse, lover, teen/adult child or partner up once you arrive!

Cost: $30 per person
You can pre-register online at or at the studio.

We all want to have fun, to be loved, and to feel deeply connected to each other and ourselves. Come to connect in the spirit of fun, love, light, and compassion. All good medicine for this lifetime. Come to be yourself and see yourself in the other. Together we can achieve and experience so much more - not just in our asana, also in our hearts and in our life. We will explore active and meditative partner poses, deepening of poses with guided partner adjustments, and group balancing.

Here is a link to a lovely article on the practice:
Five Benefits of Partner Yoga by Elysabeth Williamson

And below is a beautiful video of the practice:  (My husband and I were so blessed to take a weekend workshop with Elysabeth Williamson this past Labor Day.  And I'm excited to share what I've learned!)

Thursday, August 24, 2017

I'm excited to announce my next kirtan at Naturally Yoga in Glen Rock, NJ...
You Have Everything You Need
Sunday, September 24th, 4-6pm

Come out for an afternoon of chanting mantra, bathing in the vibration of sacred sound and the shared energy of our amazing community, raising our vibration to realize we have everything we need. The great holding of Mother Earth 🌎, the great love 💗 of divine spirit ✨, healing elements 🔥💧within and around us, an abundance of beauty 🌹and unending resources, and the wisdom of divine teachings 📿, all leading to liberation from suffering to realize the miracle of this life🦋.

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle."   - Albert Einstein

Cost: $30

Email or register at the studio.

The version of this chant below by Steve Gold is so beautiful. We will be chanting this. It is the Mantra of Perfect Wholeness. That is you! That is the universe!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

I'm excited to announce my next kirtan 🎶 at Highland Yoga in Butler, NJ...
You Have Everything You Need
Sunday, July 16th, 4-6pm

Come out for an afternoon of chanting mantra, bathing in the vibration of sacred sound and the shared energy of our amazing community, raising our vibration to realize we have everything we need. The great holding of Mother Earth 🌎, the great love 💗 of divine spirit ✨, healing elements 🔥💧within and around us, an abundance of beauty 🌹and unending resources, and the wisdom of divine teachings 📿, all leading to liberation from suffering to realize the miracle of this life🦋.

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle." 🌈
- Albert Einstein

Cost: $30 Pre-Registration by July 9/$40 Thereafter

Optional: Bring a dish 🥗and stay for a pot luck after the kirtan.

The version of this chant below by Steve Gold is so beautiful. We will be chanting this. It is the Mantra of Perfect Wholeness. That is you! That is the universe!